Who is Glød & why the dashing name?
"Glød" is a band consisting of 5 young guys that are spending their days staying alive in the most positive understanding of the term. And though the name might seem dashing ("Glød" is Danish for "glow"), according to the unanimous reply from the boys, it really isn't:
Unfortunately, there is no dashing story to back up the name: Karl and William were taking a break while pondering over the name. Inspired by the cigarette they were smoking, they agreed Glød was a nice fit.
In short, can you tell what characterises the Glød sound and art?
Put simply you can say "spontaneity" just about sums it up.
How do you write your music? Any particular key inspirations or muses?
We usually meet up, talk about something that has caught our attention lately and from there we get on with making music. That special something could be anything, really. A nice hook, a cool mellow vibe or a genius stroke from one of our favorite artists.
Who inspire you and why?
We get loads of inspiration from all sorts of different artists. The past six months, Suede and Jamiroquai have been great sources of inspiration. When you pick up cool ideas from several and diverse artists and combine these influences, good things usually tend to happen.
What’s the dream? Sex, power and rock'n'roll?
Guess so. Who wouldn’t want that?
If you weren’t artists, what would you be doing instead?
Probably be firefighters.

The collections
The Tonsure collection will be your wardrobe classics with a playful twist.
High quality, fits and both known but also interesting fabrics, will be in focus in every product. Even the basic t-shirts should have “hanger-value” - items you just want to
The Tonsure Collection is a combination of our CORE styles, that will return every season in same colors, and new added season colors.
Another part of the collections is our FASHION items, that are limited edition, and will change every season.